José Garrido Lapeña, veedor

J.- Ayer y ayer. Tiempo anormal

dos fotos de ayer, de un lejanísimo junio, cuando desescalabamos lo que hoy reescalamos y tres de ayer de este anormal julio en el que parece que el repunte de octubre se ha reconvertido en una innumerable serie de brotes o rebrotes de julio y todo sigue siendo opaco.
A mi esto de los brotes o rebrotes me recuerda siempre a aquellos finos hilillos que salían del prestige.
Th.- Yesterday and yesterday. abnormal time
two photos from yesterday, from a very distant June, when we were de-scaling what we are rescaling today, and three from yesterday of this abnormal July in which it seems that the upturn in October has turned into an innumerable series of outbreaks or outbreaks in July and everything remains opaque.
To me this of the sprouts or sprouts always reminds me of those fine threads that came out of the prestige.

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